Why Employees Leave Organizations

3 Reasons Why Employees Leave The Organization?

In this article, we will be discussing some factors that indicate why employees leave a company. As in our previous articles, we will again discuss WHY in this post, and HOW in the next one. Please note, that being a tech guy, most of my content is related to the tech industry. Definitely, I will write the things that I have experienced or someone from my circle has experienced. Also, this article doesn’t intend to hit a specific organization. I may be wrong from the reader’s perspective.
In that case, you are welcome to criticize. 😊


Due to Covid-19, where a lot of people lost their jobs (lives also 😞), technology got a boost. People who were running their businesses at physical addresses are now forced to go online as well. They have to use technology; mobile applications, websites, web portals to run their business models. This shift towards the online market opened a massive opportunity for the tech guys. Organizations have now started to hire more and more employees to meet market needs.

Under these circumstances, where there are a number of opportunities available, why would an employee stay in such an organization where he is not being taken care of. Organizations have to put extra effort to reduce their turnover rate. They have to give their employees quality of life & quality of workspace; have to let their employees believe that they care about them. They care about their happiness, health, family, and time.

If you hire people just because they can do a jobthey‘ll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they‘ll work for you with blood and sweat and tears.”

-Simon Sinek

Why Employees leave the organization?
  • Most of the time, the employee leaves an organization due to overtime. If done occasionally, then it’s acceptable but if it becomes a habit, then it’s toxic. It can affect your heath, productivity, and personal life. If an employee has signed a contract for 8 hours job then the organizations must respect that. Most of the time the managers start pinging the employees just an hour or two before off time. And some managers don’t leave them on weekends as well. Even they are saying to just check the issue, they are stealing employee’s time.
  • Secondly, if an organization doesn’t care about their employees, they will leave the organization. Organizations have to take care of the needs and priorities of the employees. Last year, my friend had to go home because of his brother’s wedding, but no one from his organization asked him to go because there was a release planned. The thing is, sometimes, you have to give priority to your employee’s needs and happiness. (Btw this year, my friend left the organization 👀)
  • The third major factor that I believe is the value of the employee. Whether he is learning something new? or just following the boring routine? whether his efforts are being appreciated? Does he feels like a part of the organization? If an organization fails to provide value to its employee, it will not be able to retain their employees.

To retain employees, organizations must build a positive culture. A culture that pushes everyone up. Where everyone feels motivated, appreciated, and valuable to the organization. Under such an environment, productivity increases automatically. Employees start helping each other. They start celebrating the success of others. And when an employee feels that many positive vibes from his surroundings, so why would he leave the organization? (For Big Salary 😂, but money is not always the reason to leave the organization).


So let’s conclude our discussion for today. In this article, we observed the factors (overtime, care, and value) which are the reasons why employees leave their jobs. We will further discuss how an organization builds a culture to retain the employees in our next post.

Have you ever changed the organization because of the above factors? Or if you have any other, do let me know in the comments section below.

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