How a strong culture helps to retain employees

How a strong culture helps to retain employees

In our last post, we discussed the reasons why employees leave the organization. Employees are now more focused on the quality of their lives and work rather than working just for the sake of money. To retain employees, organizations build a whole culture for their employees to help them grow, increase their value whether it’s learning or earning. The more you get involved in the culture of the organization, the more you get a chance to explore yourselves and improve yourselves.

What is organizational culture?

Organizational culture is the collection of values, expectations, and practices that guide and inform the actions of all team members. Think of it as the collection of traits that make your company what it is. A great culture exemplifies positive traits that lead to improved performance, while a dysfunctional company culture brings out qualities that can hinder even the most successful organizations.


Build a culture in your organization

An organization can adopt a number of practices to make sure that its employees are happy to work. Give your employees a reason to wake up every morning and come to the office to achieve the organization’s goals. I have listed a few of the general attributes that collectively build a strong culture within the organization. These attributes will help the organization retain its employees and reduce the organization’s turnover rate. Let’s discuss what these are:

Culture to celebrate

Wishing your employees on their birthdays, marriage, their new baby arrival costs you nothing. Many organizations have some allowances but the words from the manager or the executives can have a long-lasting impact. People get more loyal when they came to know that their managers care about them.

Recently a friend of mine had a child. According to the policy of his organization, there are 3 parental leaves that he can avail to spend some time with his family. But his manager didn’t bother to ask him to enjoy his parental leaves instead, he kept passing on the tasks to his employee. In this scenario, can a person be loyal to the organization? Where the managers don’t care about you or your happiness? No, he will not be happy and will start finding another better opportunity or you can say, another better manager.

Culture to appreciate each other

I have already written a detailed article on this topic. The idea is, you have to appreciate your employees for their efforts and the time they are spending for the organization. Although you are paying them for it, but the more they feel appreciated, the more productive and motivated they will be. Start practicing to say Thank you. Rather than shouting at the employees, start teaching them and show them the right path.

Culture of trust.

Many employers are very strict with their employees. There are few organizations that have cameras installed on their employees to check whether they are working or not. Some organizations have a logging system. They log every single activity of your system.

Is this a productive approach? Are you giving your employees a space to think or try something new? If you log, your employees will not help each other. They will not discuss anything new among their team members.

You have to trust them. You have to motivate them so they can spend most of the time at work. If you believe that your employees are not doing enough work, then find out why they are not doing it? Are they happy with the work? Are they happy with the environment? Or Even are they happy with you?

The restriction is not always the solution. It’s not a school where you restrict the students to go home without clearing the test. (You know what I mean). It’s a world full of opportunities, if not you, then there will be someone else, who knows how to take care of their employees. How to trust them

Most of the time, employers use false statements to force employees to complete tasks. This can affect the trust of the employee towards employers. And if there is no trust, the employee can never put his 100 percent effort into the organization.


In order to retain employees, organizations have to build a strong culture within their workspace where all the employees share common values and common practices. And it all starts from the management level. Employees get inspired by their managers and they will automatically start adopting the same practices and values.

Share with me, your experience. What’s your organizational culture? How strict your managers are towards the culture of the organization?

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